Laboratory Service
Dr. Aruna Poojary
- M.B.B.S, MD (Microbiology)
- DNB (Microbiology)
- Dip HIC(UK)
- PGDip ID
- Clinical Microbiology
- Infectious Diseases
- Hospital Infection Control
- Laboratory Management
Appointments / OPD Timings
April 2016 current - Head of Dept , Pathology & Microbiology, Breach Candy Hospital Trust, Mumbai.
Oct 2008 to current - In charge Infection Control Team.
June 2014 to current - Secretary Breach Candy Medical Research Centre.
Oct 2008- March 2016 Senior Clinical Microbiologist, Breach Candy Hospital Trust, Mumbai.
Nov 2006 – Sept 2008 Head of Department, Pathology & Microbiology, BSES MG Hospital & Global Research Centre, Mumbai.
- Book Chapter : Non Tuberculous Mycobacteria 11th edition API Textbook of Medicine.
- International (Peer reviewed)
- Ares O, Arnold WV, Atilla B, Kumar Bari A, Battenberg A, Belzino M, Bhoite S, Clauss M, Egoavil M, Ferrand ML, Greenky M, Sarango J, Komnos G, Koo KH, Lee YK, Leibnitz M, Luis E, Naneti G, Ottolenghi J, Poojary A, Shen H, Sousa R, Thomas P, Volodymyr F, Wang Q. General Assembly, Prevention, Host Related Local: Proceedings of International Consensus on Orthopedic Infections. J Arthroplasty. 2019 Feb;34(2S):S3-S12.
- Arnold WV, Bari AK, Buttaro M, Huang R, Mirez JP, Neira I, Poojary A, Purtill JJ, Quevedo MS, García Ricaurte JC, Scuderi G, Thakur H, Tozun IR. General Assembly, Prevention, Postoperative Factors: Proceedings of International Consensus on Orthopedic Infections. J Arthroplasty. 2019 Feb;34(2S):S169-S174.
- Poojary A, Rohra S, Bari AK. Response to the article "Microbiological and molecular characterization of commercially available probiotics containing Bacillus clausii from India and Pakistan". Int J Food Microbiol. 2018 Jun 15. pii: S0168-1605(18)30313-1.
- Versporten A, Zarb P, Caniaux I, Gros MF, Drapier N, Miller M, Jarlier V, Nathwani D, Goossens H; Global-PPS network. Antimicrobial consumption and resistance in adult hospital inpatients in 53 countries: results of an internet-based global point prevalence survey. Lancet Glob Health. 2018 Jun;6(6):e619-e629.
- Rosenthal et al International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium report, data summary of 50 countries for 2010-2015: Device-associated module. Am J Infect Control. 2016 Dec 1;44(12):1495-1504.
- Barbuddhe SB et al , Presence of a widely disseminated Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b clone in India. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2016 Jun 8;5:e55. doi: 10.1038/emi.2016.55.
- Rosenthal VD, Udwadia FE, Kumar S, Poojary A, Sankar R, Orellano PW, Durgad S, Thulasiraman M, Bahirune S, Kumbhar S, Patil P. Clinical impact and cost-effectiveness of split-septum and single-use prefilled flushing device vs 3-way stopcock on central line-associated bloodstream infection rates in India: a randomized clinical trial conducted by the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC). Am J Infect Control. 2015 Jul 8. pii: S0196-6553.
- AA Poojary, LD Bhandarkar . Rapid identification of Meticillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) using chromogenic media (BBL CHROM agar MRSA) compared with conventional methods Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 2015; 4(4): 939-947
- S.Amereliwala, S.Durgad, A.Poojary. Carbapenem sparing options for ESBL & AmpC producing Enterobactereciea in hemodynamically stable patients – an invitro study.Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 2015 ;4(2): 513-521.
- Morgan DJ, Deloney VM, Bartlett A, Boruchoff SE, Couto RC, Oji M, Poojary A, Rogers G, Sulis C, Milstone A. The expanding role of the hospital epidemiologist in 2014: a survey of the Society for Hospital Epidemiology of America (SHEA) Research Network. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2015 Jan 29:1-3.
- Chakravarthy M, Myatra SN, Rosenthal VD, Udwadia FE, Gokul BN, Divatia JV,Poojary A et al .The impact of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) multicenter, multidimensional hand hygiene approach in two cities of India. J Infect Public Health. 2014 Sep 27. pii: S1876-0341.
- Jaggi N et al Impact of an international nosocomial infection control consortium multidimensional approach on central line-associated bloodstream infection rates in adult intensive care units in eight cities in India. Int J Infect Dis. 2013 Dec;17(12):e1218-24.
- Rosenthal et al International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) report, data summary of 36 countries, for 2004-2009. Am J Infect Control. 2012 Jun;40(5):396-407.
- Manoharan A, Zhang L, Poojary A, Bhandarkar L, Koppikar G, Robinson DA. An outbreak of post-partum breast abscesses in Mumbai, India caused by ST22-MRSA-IV: genetic characteristics and epidemiological implications. Epidemiol Infect. 2012 ;140(10):1809-12.
- Rosenthal VD et al Time-dependent analysis of extra length of stay and mortality due to ventilator-associated pneumonia in intensive-care units of ten limited-resources countries: findings of the International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC). Epidemiol Infect. 2011 ;139(11):1757-1763.
- Rosenthal VD et al. Impact of International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) strategy on central line-associated bloodstream infection rates in the intensive care units of 15 developing countries. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2010;31(12):1264-72.
- Rosenthal VD et al International Nosocomial Infection Control Consortium (INICC) report, data summary for 2003-2008, issued June 2009. Am J Infect Control 2010; 38(2):95-104.
- Nataraj et al Report: Medical students for monitoring biomedical waste segregation practices - Waste Manag Res.2008; 26: 288-2.
- National (peer reviewed)
- RB Shah, NK Jain, A Mandal, A Ghose, KM Ramaswami, SK Singh, KD Dandekar, DK Pal, G Nataraj, A Poojary, R Sood, SM Raina . Effective reprocessing of medical devices in urology with Special reference to minimal invasive procedures: Consensus guidelines Indian J Applied Res 2019; 9(1): 191 - 196.
- S N Rohra, V K Saxena, N P Vithalani , A A Poojary, T H Qureshi. Molecular Study of Aetiology of Acute Gastroenteritis in Children of South Mumbai . J Clin Diagn Res. 2018 :12(6): DC15-DC19.
- Kalra S, Chandalia HB, Chawla M, Munshi N, Poojary A, Varaiya A, Hindlekar P, Lad M, Thomas V, Karle N, Unnikrishnan AG Forum for Injection Technique 2.0 Addendum 1: Insulin use in indoor settings. Indian J Endocrinol Metab. 2016 Nov-Dec;20(6):863-865.
- Shetty GM, Poojary A Outcomes of surgical site infections in orthopaedic trauma surgeries in developing countries: Need for baseline data & identification of risk factors J Postgrad Med 2014; 60 : 230-231.
- Poojary A , Sapre G. Kodamaea ohmeri – an emerging fungal pathogen causing fungaemia in preterm neonates. Indian Pediatr 2009 ; 46(7):629 – 631.
- Poojary A, Nataraj G, Kanade S, Mehta P, Baveja S. Rapid Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis – its utility in resource poor settings. Indian J Med Microbiol 2006;24(4):268 - 272.
- National award for Hand Hygiene Innovation Award to Breach Candy Hospital by 3M India - 2014.
- 2nd prize for poster competition at the HISICON 2013, Mumbai - 2013.
- 3rd prize for poster presentation at the XV Annual Maharashtra Chapter Conference, Mumbai - 2009.
- 1st prize for oral paper at Society of Indian Animal and Human Mycology Conference, Mumbai - 2008.
- 2nd prize for poster presentation at the XIII Annual Maharashtra Chapter Conference, Aurangabad - 2007.
- 2nd rank in Mumbai University at M.D Microbiology exam - 2006.
- Distinction in Human Pathology and Medical Microbiology- 1999.