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Nursing Care


Staff And Services

"Breach Candy Nursing care is and has always been a class apart."

What sets Breach Candy Nursing Care apart is customised quality of care they deliver, which is the cornerstone of patient satisfaction. Our nurses are understanding, caring and have a problem-solving ability with great communication skills.

We take pride in their nursing competencies which have been recognised both, in India and abroad. The highest nurse-patient ratio within wards and in the ICUs stands out in our hospital and helps in the best customised patient care. 

Given that nursing is a stressful profession, we train our nurses well to deal with situations with emotional stability suitable for demanding situations. Our nurses are ever nimble on their feet; in a crisis, they keep a cool head and maintain a calm disposition.

Our nurses are sensitive to the socio-demographic background of our patients. They maintain the right blend of interpersonal relations to ensure the best service to our patients and their families built in our nurses, thanks to the continuous training imparted on them.

Our nursing team is well trained in engaging patients with their discharge process. Our nurses work with patients to ensure a smooth transition, taking into consideration every aspect of care and help bridge the gap between treatment at the hospital and care provided at home.

EMS Nurses at Breach Candy Hospital Trust

They are swift and are always on their toes to take care of every patient being brought in for emergency care. Triage is initiated and sound clinical judgment is made by the well trained nurses ensuring care as per clinical priority.

ICU Nurses at BCHT

BCHT is known for its one of the best Intensive care medicine and ICU Team Nursing being the important member of health team. ICU nurses are extensively trained not only in the classroom but also hands on for catering complex needs of critical patients. 

New mothers are satisfied with the warmth and caring by our experienced maternity team Nursing. We have one of the best nurseries with state-of-the-art equipment. Nurses are part of lactation team and ensure that mothers are prepared and motivated to initiate and continue breast feeding.

Comforting maternity Nurses.

Our NICU nurses have played major role in reviving tiniest babies along with team and ensuring hand holding of mothers for successful transition.

NICU nurses contribution.

We have significant foot-fall of patients needing chemotherapy, which is provided by our specially trained and experienced chemo nurses. Patients have trust and many of them come back to share their joy and happiness from cancer free life.

Our chemotherapy Nurses.

Patient Safety is given utmost importance at Breach Candy Hospital Trust. We are among a few hospitals having a The Patient Safety Nurse is a part of Safety Team and ensures highest standard of Patient safety is maintained with best practices.

Patient Safety Nurse.

Training is crucial for organizational development and success and lays a foundation for the highest level of productivity. We at Breach Candy Hospital Trust believe that training of nurses plays an indispensable role in improving the quality of inpatient care. A dedicated Training team serves to update the staffs occupational knowledge and professional skills to improve the best practices for fulfilling various tasks and responsibilities and playing vital role in contributing to greater efficiency of the staff and organization.

Nurses learn Breach Candy Nursing ways.

Nurses as a part of BCHT team Nursing are offered both in-house and external learning opportunities enhancing their professional growth which have long term benefits for the nurses. In addition to the excellent nursing skills, our nurses are well equipped to handle emergencies like fire.

Our nurses participate in various conferences, workshops and competitions and come out with flying colours.

Once a part of BCHT team nursing, our nurses are transformed into extraordinary nurses and to face the global scenario with ease.

Professional Growth Of Nurses At BCH.

Nursing Excellence untouched by COVID Pandemic

Despite of current pandemic and so many nurses being affected and quarantined with infection….nurses along with team are ensuring best patient outcome with a confidence, competence and compassion.

We have dedicated Team of Nurses looking after both covid suspect and positive patients and there is no admixture of nurses, with special attention to PPE hours as well as working hours in critical units.

Non Covid services are provided for needy patients and patients have expressed their delight for the same.

Special measures have been taken to ensure social distancing and accommodation for nurses working in COVID units.

Excellent Patient experience

Our Nurses play a crucial role in our Hospital's mission for creating a delightful experience for our patients.
