Dr. Mehul S. Bhansali
- M.B.B.S
- MS (Gen. Surg)
- DNB (Gen. Surg)
- Oncology Surgery
- Head and Neck
- Gastrointestinal
- Gynaec and Breast Malilgnanceis
Appointments / OPD Timings
Visiting Fellowship in First Department of Surgery for Esophageal cancer at Kurume University school of Medicine.
Visiting Fellowship in Department of Surgery for Esophageal and Gastro-intestinal surgery at Queen Mary Hospital, University of Honking.
Oncology experience at Tata Memorial Centre – 8 years.
Oncology nursing training course. Lecture series in gastro-intestinal malignancies.
Ostomy Association Training Programme for Nurses. Lecture series in various stoma formation and Management.
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S. R. Joglekar Gold Medal” for Best scientific article for 1993 Ind. J Surgery. Prof. K.P. Sinha / Prof. P.S. Krishnan Award for Best paper published in Ind. J Clin Biochem 1996.