Dr. Sadhana Kantilal Desai
- M.D. 1966
- D.G.O. - C.P.S. 1965
- F.R.C.O.G. 1983
- F.I.C.O.G. 2001
- Obstetrician, Gynaecologist & Infertility Specialist
- Gynaecology
Contact Info
Phone No. | : | 022 - 23805845 / 23803746 |
Board No. | : | 022 - 62597788 |
Appointments / OPD Timings
Honorary professor and head of dept. Of obstetrics and gynaecology, bombay hospital postgraduate institute of medical sciences, 1991 to 2008.
Honorary associate professor, grant medical college, mumbai, 1989 to 1990.
Honorary gynaecologist, st. George’s hospital, mumbai 1969 to 1990.
Honorary gynaecologist , kothari hospital, mumbai, 1969 -1980.
Honorary consultant – obstetrician & gynaecologist- armed forces medical college.
Undergraduate and post graduate teacher & examiner, obstetrics & gynaecology university of mumbai for more than 30 years as well as for dgo – college of physicians and surgeons, mumbai and examiner for dnb in reproductive medicine.
President, fogsi (the feederation of obstetric & gynaecological societies of India) - 2003.
Vice president – fogsi (the feederation of obstetric & gynaecological societies of India) – 1997.
president isar (Indian society for assisted reproduction) 2008 -2009.
Convener of rch programme – fogsi (the feederation of obstetric & gynaecological societies of India) – 2004 – 2008.
Chairman of infertility committee, fogsi – 1998 – 2002
Member, figo, federation of international gynaecologists and obstetricians, advisory panel in reproductive medicine (2001 -2006).
Member – of committee of govt. of india to frame maternal health policy.
Programme director emergency obstetric care certification course of fogsi-icog – goi for non specialized govt. doctors working in rural area.
Member - elsevier clinical advisory board (India) 2007.
Desai s.k., allahbadia g.n., dalal a.k. selective reduction of multifetal pregnancies in the first trimester using colour doppler ultrasonography human reproduction; 8(4): 642; 1993.
Desai s k guest article "endometrial receptivity & genital tuberculosis" journal of obstetrics and gynaecology of India, october 2002.
Life time achievement award from academy of clinical embryologists - 2016.
Life time achievement award by international conference on reproduction, fertility & surrogacy (aiims) 2014 organized by international fertility centre, new delhi.
Life time achievement award for pioneering work and continuing contribution to reproductive medicine by Indian fertility society (ifs) november 2010.
Figo award in recognition of being outstanding woman obstetrician & gynaecologist from developing countries (october 2009).
“Dr. b n purandare outstanding service award” on 8th march 2009 by mumbai obst. & gyn. society “special achievers award”, giants international federation, on international women’s day celebration , 8th march 2008.
“Excellence award”, lifetime contribution to science and advancement of infertility management in India , 2006 by organon India ltd.
“Outstanding contribution award”, (isar) (indian society for assisted reproduction) , 2003.
“Outstanding contribution award”, (mogs) mumbai obstetric & gynaecological society, 2002.
“Outstanding woman of mumbai city”, contribution in the field of medicine by members of junior chambers 1994.