Contact Info
- 022 - 62597788
- 022 - 69197788
- Ground Floor, Breach Candy Hospital Trust, 60-A, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai - 400026
Cardiology and Cardio Thoracic

Department of cardiology was formally inaugurated in April 1982, by Dr. Denton Cooley the world famous pioneer heart surgeon with Dr. Devkishin Pahlajani as its head. Two operation theatres dedicated to cardiac surgery and cardiac catheterisation laboratory were created to start a pioneering work in cardiac surgery and cardiac catheterisation and angiography.
The department has grown over time and performs more than 175 angiography, angioplasty procedures. It is very active in implantation of simple and most advanced pacemakers. The department has active two dimensional echocardiography section and procedures like trans thoracic, trans oesophageal and stress echocardiograms are performed by well trained qualified cardiologists. It is backed up by stress test, myocardial perfusion scans with thallium, cardiac MRI and PET Scan. The sheet anchor of the department is its access to world class efficiently managed ICUs managed by team of qualified and efficient Intensivist team.
It offers round the clock services to perform emergency angioplasty for heart attack and brain stroke patients and has been instrumental in saving and preventing heart attacks and brain strokes. In addition to world class angiography equipment. It has state of arts equipments like FFR, IVUS, OCT that can guide to place stents with great precision. In addition to rotablation that helps performing angioplasty in arteries that are calcified the department has acquired laser machine to perform difficult angioplasties with great success.
The cardiologists in the department routinely perform percutaneous valve replacement particularly aortic valve without surgical intervention with great success that is comparable to the best in world.
The vision of the department is to educate the masses regarding the dangers of the heart attacks and stroke and make them aware that both these illnesses can be treated and the useful lives can be saved by timely treatment.