Dr. Aadil S. Chagla
- M.Ch (Neurosurgery)
- M.S. (General Surgery)
- M.B.B.S
- Neurosurgery
Appointments / OPD Timings
Thursday | : | 08:00 PM - 10:00 PM |
Dr. Aadil Chagla has an experience in spinal surgery which includes anterior approach to cervical, trans-thoracic approach to dorsal spine and retroperitoneal and posterior approaches to the lumbar spine.
He has operated on fractures of the spine and performed various stabilization procedures. This also included corpectomy, inter-body fusion, pedicular screws and plate and lateral mass fusion.
He has also performed Anterior/antero-lateral craniofacial and lateral temporal bone resections and pre-auricular infratemporal / transsphenoidal / transoral approaches to skull base tumor.
His experience includes :
Surgical excision of lesions in the peri-sylvian area particularly around the speech area and the motor strip.
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