Oncology Surgery
Dr. Praful Desai
- M.S
- F.R.C.S.E
- F.A.C.S
- Oncology Surgery
- Cancer Surgeon
- Surgical Oncologist
Contact Info
Hospital No. | : | 022 - 62597800 / 022 - 23667799 |
Clinic No. | : | 022 - 24943636 |
Secretary No. | : | 022 - 62597800 / 022 - 23667799 |
Appointments / OPD Timings
Monday | : | 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM |
Tuesday | : | 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM |
Thursday | : | 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM |
Friday | : | 05:30 PM - 07:30 PM |
Joined Surgical Faculty of Tata Memorial Hospital, 1960.
Former Director & Cheif of Surgery, Tata Memorial Hospitaln, Mumbai, 1980-1997.
Reported directly to chairmen of Atomic Energy Commision(Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, Dr. raja Ramanna, Dr. Homi Sethna, Dr. PK Lyenagar, Dr. P Chidambaran, Dr. MR Srinivasan) during tenure at the Tata Memorial Hospital.
Senior Surgical Oncologist, Bombay Hostpital / Breach Candy Hospital, Mumbai(Currently).
President, Surgical Oncology Section, Associaltion of Sugeons of India(ASI), 1977-1979.
Established a Rural Cancer Centre at Barsi(Sholapur District), 1983. Recognized by the WHO as model low cost, low technology centre for developing countries. Now a referral cancer centre in the area.
Co-ordinator for WHO and Indian Counciil o Medical Reserch (ICMR) Cancer control Programmes for India.
Extablished Professional Education Division at Tata Memorial Hospital.
Conceived and implemented ACTREC(Advanced Centre for Treatment, Reserch, and Education in Cancer), New Mumbai, 1985.
Organised Technology Transfer Programmes (Oncology) across India, 1986.
Secretary General of International UICC cancer Conferance, Delhi, 1994 (attended by 4,500 delegates).
Professional inputs for creation of cancer Institutes in India-Miraj(Dist Sangli), Jaipur, Rajkot, Raipur.
Trained two generations of Surgical Oncologists at Tata Memorial Hospital.
Chairman and Member of Research Advisary Committees(Oncology).
Examinar for MS(General Surgery) at various Indian Univercities and FRCS at Edinburgh. 2001-2004.
Scientific Pubclication- National & Internation Journals, Monograms, Chapters in Books on Surgical Oncology.
Associate Editor, Journal Surgical Oncology(USA).
Executive Committee Member of UICC(General), International Union Against Cancer. 1990-1994.
No Content Available.
Padma Bhushan(Govt of India, 1981.
BC Roy National Award, 1981
Indian Council of Medical ResearchICMR()Award for Clinical Cancer Reserch, 1985.
American Cancer Society Award, Contribution to Oncology, 1994.
SYME lecturship Award of Royal College of Surgeons EDINBURGH, UK, 1996.
Mucio Athayde International Cancer Award of the UICC, Geneva, 1998 at Rio-De-Janeiro, BRAZIL.
Harvard Medical International Lifetime Achievement Award-For Contribution to Oncology in India, 2003.
Lifetime Achievement Award - International Cancer Congress(HCG NCHRI Cancer Centre), 2016.
Lifetime Achievement Award - Association of Surgeons of India,2010.
Lifetime Achievement Award - Association of Laparoscopy for Surgery of Esophagus.
Visiting Professor- Harvard Medical School, Dana Farver Cancer Institude, Boston, USA, 2004-2005.
Visiting Professor- Sloan - Kettering Cancer Centre, New Yord, USA(1982-1983).
Dhanavantari Award (Dhanavantari Foundation), 2007.
Many other life Time Achievement Awards.