Dr. Snehalata H. Dhayagude
- M.B.B.S
- DA
- Anaesthesiologist
Appointments / OPD Timings
She graduated from Seth G. S. Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai in November 1967. After internship of one year and 6 months post in anaesthesia in Tata Memorial Hospital, I left for UK for post graduation in Anesthesia.
She worked in various hospitals in London as resident doctor rising up to Senior Registrar in Anaesthesia at Leicester. Along the way I completed my post graduation in anaesthesia with DA (London) and FRCA (UK). I returned to Mumbai in June 1973. I worked as a pool officer in Department of Anaesthesia at KEM Hospital for one year.
She joined as Honorary Anaesthesiologist at B. J. Wadia Hospital for Children in June 1974 and started freelance practice in anesthesia all over Mumbai. I have worked as consultant Pediatric anaesthesiologist in Breach Candy Hospital from 1975 onward, Masina Hospital from 1985, Bombay Hospital and Medical research Hospital from 1999, Dhanwantary Hospital, and BARC Hospital. I retired as HOD in department of Anaesthesia Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children in 2002.
Started Pediatric Anaesthesia annual lecture series for post graduates in 1998 and continued till 2006.
Participated as faculty in various CMEs and Workshops and National Conferences.
Founder President of “ Indian Association of Paediatric Anaesthesiologists” (2006-2009).
Invited faculty for International Assembly of Paediatric Anaesthesia, Washington , USA 2012.
Guest Editor- World clinics in Anaesthesia, Critical Care, Pain- Paediatric Anaesthesia 2 issues.
Taking Lectures for our Breach Candy Hospital students of department of anaesthesia for last 7-8 years.
Hobbies- Music and Sports. Played Badminton for 25 years.
No Content Available.
Reviewer for Indian Journal Anaesthesia.
Editor, Author of “Principles and Practice of Paediatric Anaesthesia”- 2016 Published By Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Ltd.