Oncology Surgery
Dr. Sultan Pradhan
- M.B.B.S (Bom) 1969
- MS (Bom) 1973
- FRCS (Edin) 1975
- FACS 1980
- FCPS (Bom) 1974
- Diploma in Hospital Administration, TISS 1977-1978
- Oncology Surgery
- Head and Neck Surgery
- Voice Conservation Surgery in Laryngeal Cancer
- Endoscopic CO2 Laser Surgery
Appointments / OPD Timings
Wednesday | : | 09:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
Faculty Positions
Dr. Sultan Pradhan has served as an Assistant Surgeon at Tata Memorial Hospital in his initial years. He then took on the role of Chief-Head & Neck Surgical Unit. Apart from these position, Dr. Sultan Pradhan has also served as a Professor at the University of Mumbai in General Surgery and Surgical Oncology.
Dr. Sultant Pradhan has held various positions with Health Organisations like the Aga Khan Health ervice India for which he was the Director in 1986 and then again in 1996. Dr. Pradhan has served as a Member and President on the Governing Council of Prince Aly Khan Hospital. He is a member of various societies like the Indian Society of Oncology, Indian Society of Head & Neck Oncology and the American Society of Head & Neck Oncology.
Contributions in the field of Healthcare.
Pioneered and developed the following surgical procedures:
- Gastric transposition for gullet reconstruction – 1978.
- Marginal mandibulectomy – 1978.
- Pleurectomy for malignant pleural effusion – 1979.
- Supra omohyoid neck dissection – 1980.
- Modified hip disarticulate – 1980.
- Near total laryngectomy for advanced lateralized Ca. – 1989.
- Microlaryngoscopic CO2 Laser Sx 1990.
- Three quarter laryngectomy & Supracricoid laryngectomy for Transglottic cancer – 1991
Established the Voice Analysis Laboratory which assists in objective evaluation of the various voice preservation and voice restoration treatment methods in Laryngeal cancer.
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Dr. Sultan Pradhan has an extensive list of publications to his name in National and International Journals.
Base Tongue Ca
Surgical management of post radiation residual/recurrent cancer of the base of tongue. Journal of Surgical Oncology Vol.14, 201-206, 1980.
Post Cricoid Ca (Largest study in world literature and Selected for Panel discussion at the 1986 UICC meeting).
Laryno-pharyngo- oesophagectomy with immediate one stage reconstruction. Indian Journal of Cancer Vol.16,80-82, 1979.
Current trends in management of Head and Neck Cancer. 71-82. Tata Memorial Hospital Publication, 1988.
Gingivo-buccal Ca
The study has several ramifications:
- First documented evidence to show the differences in the biological behaviors viz. Tongue Cancer.
- Sets guidelines for management of this Indian Oral Cancer about which nothing is written in the Western text books.
“Gingivo-Buccal Cancer-The Indian Oral Cancer” for the book on “Oral Cancer” Published by the Professional Education Division of the Tata Memorial Hospital, Edited by Dr. R.S. Rao and Dr. P.B. Desai. 1990.
Pioneered & developed the practice of Voice Conservation surgery utilizing the entire range of procedures for Cancer of the larynx.
- Partial Laryngectomy The Surgeon’s Quarterly Review. Vol.1 No.3, 109-114, Nov 1986.
- “Laser in the Management of Stenosing Oropharyngeal Scleroma” J: Postgraduate Med.38 (3); 138 141, 1992.
- Authored and edited a book “Voice Conservation Surgery in Laryngeal Cancer”. Llyods Publishing House, 1996.
Education and Training
Developed a comprehensive, multimedia teaching module for :
- a) Management of Cancer of the Larynx.
- b) Voice Conservation surgery for Ca Larynx.
- c) Endoscopic Laser Surgery for Ca Larynx.
Prepared the following educational video films of operative procedures in Head and Neck Surgery :
- Total Maxillectomy
- Ant. Craniofacial Resection
- Vertical Hemilaryngectomy
- Near Total Laryngectomy
- Supra-cricoid Laryngectomy
- Laryngopharyngectomy with gastric transposition
- Parotidectomy
- Thyroidectomy
- Parathyroidectomy
- Radical neck dissection
Conducted workshops in Head & Neck surgery all over the country, updating the young ENT surgeons on the recent developments in Head & Neck cancer. This has generated a significant interest towards the super specialization of Head & Neck surgery.