Dr. Anaita Udwadia Hegde
- Fellowship Neurosciences, (London) 2001
- MRCPCH ( London ) 2000
- MD ( Pediatric ) 1994
- MBBS 1991
- Neurology
- Pediatric Neurology
Appointments / OPD Timings
Dr. Anaita Udwadia-Hegde is a Consultant Pediatric Neurologist. Currently she is attached to Breach Candy Hospital Trust since 2012. She is also attached to numerous rehabilitation centers, special schools and NGO’s for children with disabilities.
Having passed her MBBS, MD in Pediatrics, she went to pursue her interest in Pediatric Neurology with an MRCPCH degree and Fellowship in Neurosciences from London.
Her special interests is in epilepsy, and epilepsy surgery programme.
Udwadia A, Hajirnis O. – “ Chronic GM1 Gangliosidosis with characteristic “Wish Bone Sign” on MRI Brain, Another type of NBIA? ” – Journal of Movement Disorder – Clinical Practice, 2015, accepted on 29/4/2015.
Udwadia A, Nissenkorn A, Borgohain R, Micheli R, Leuzzi V, Mridula K R, Molinaro A, D’Agnano D, Yareeda S, Ben-Zeev B. – “Development of Global Rating instruments for Pediatric patients With Ataxia Telangiectasia” – European Journal of Pediatric Neurology – September 2015.
Udwadia – Hegde A, Nabi F, Sharma V. “ Refractory Status Epilepticus: Febrile illness Related Epileptic Syndrome ( FIRES )”. International Journal of Epilepsy, 2015.
Udwadia A, Hajirnis O. – “Neuroplasticity : A Review for Clinicians” – NDTA Network, September – October 2015.
Udwadia A, Devnani P. – Autism and Sleep Disorders – Journal of Pediatric Neurosciences, Volume 10, issue 4, October - December – 2015.
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