Contact Info
- 022 - 62597862
- Ground Floor, Breach Candy Hospital Trust, 60-A, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai - 400026.

About EEG and EMG
- The department of EEG/EMG is one of the best centres in the country. We run the department with top of the line American machines. The tests are conducted by experienced and well qualified professionals.
- EMG/Nerve Conduction studies are done for neuropathies due to diabetes, alcohol, thyroid disorders as well as Spinal root disorders due to prolapsed intervertebral discs, tumours and other similar conditions are diagnosed. Bells palsy (facial weakness) detection and prognostication for recovery are possible. All muscle disorders are detected as well as repetitive stimulus test for myasthenia gravis detections is done.
- All muscle disorders are detected as well as repetitive stimulus test for myasthenia gravis detections is done. Evoked potential studies for multiple sclerosis, spinal disorders, visual complaints, hearing disorders, vertigo etc are possible. We can also detect hearing impairment early in newborns so early remedial steps can be initiated.
- A fairly common condition like epilepsy can be detected by EEG department and the type of Epilepsy classified to choose the correct drugs by Video EEG department. The department of EEG is also useful in excluding other disorders like syncope as well as other causes of alteration of consciousness like metabolic encephalopathies. The department of EEG is a useful tool in our armamentarium in traumatic brain damage for the extent of damage due to head injury and chances of recovery.