Dr. Jamshed Jal Bunshah
- M.B.B.S
- D.Ortho
- M.S. (Ortho)
- Orthopaedics
- Hip and Knee Replacement Surgery
Contact Info
Hospital No. | : | 022 - 62597800 / 022 - 23667799 |
Clinic No. | : | 022 - 24120336 |
Appointments / OPD Timings
Monday | : | 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
Dr. Jamshed Bunshah started out as a House Officer in General Surgery and Orthopaedics at LTMG hospital. He then served as a lecturer in Orthopaedics at L.T. M.G. Hospital, T. N. Medical College and Nair Hospital. It was in L.T.M.G. Hospital that Dr. Bunshah made a comparative study of Preoperative v/s Non-Operativ Supracondylar fractures of humerus in children.
After serving as a lecturer, Dr. Bunshah held the position of a Senior House Officer (Trauma and Orthopaedics) at East Glamorgan General Hospital in Cardiff, Wales where he specialized in Hip and Knee Total Replacement with a project in the Long term follow up of a cemented total hip & total knee replacement surgery. He has been appointed by "ZIMMER" as a Consultant requiring to teach, hold workshops, and train surgeons in India and abroad.
- Displaced Intra articular fractures of Calcaneum treated with open reduction and internal fixation.
- Management of frozen shoulder with hydraulic distention under local anaethesia.
- Diastematomylia : Operative treatment of five cases.
- Management of Dorsal Perilunate dislocation and volar dislocation of lunate.
- Treatment of pumps and bump : A new Surgical Approach.
- G. C. T. Talus : Excision followed by internal bone transport.
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