Books Published by Hospital Consultants
List of Books Published by
Hospital Consultants

Dr. Milind Kirtane
Contribution to books
- Chapter on ENT Emergencies in the Handbook of Medical Emergencies by Dr. A.F. Golwalla - Mumbai, 1976.
- “Clinical Study of Human Equilibrium by Electronystagmography and Allied Tests”, Claussen C.F.& Desa J.V,( assisted by) Kirtane M.V.- Popular Prakashan , Mumbai,1978.
- Author of “Electronystagmography - A Systematic Approach”, published in Mumbai, 1982.
- Editor, Proceedings of the International N.E.S. Conference , since 1983.
- Asso. Editor, International Journal of Tinnitus since.
- Chapter on “Meniere’s Disease” in the Association of Physicians of India text book of Medicine.1983.
- Chapter on “Facial Paralysis” in the Association of Physicians of India text book of Medicine.1983.
- Chapters on Electronystagmography and Craniocorpography in text book on Clinical Audiology and Vestibulometry by Dr. Anirban Biswas., 1990.
- Chapter on “Clinical entity of Spontaneous Perilymph Fistula”, published in Textbook of Modern Concepts of Neurotology by S. Desa Souza and Claussen 1994.
- Author of Monogram on “Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery “, 1995.
- Chapter on "Surgical Management of Vestibular Dysfunction" in "An Introduction to Neurotology" by Dr.Anirban Biswas. Bhalani Publishing House, 1998.
- Edited a book titled “Challenges in Otorhinolaryngology” published by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd. New Delhi in 2005 Editor of the book “Comprehensive Textbook of Otology diagnosis management and operative techniques.” Published by Bhalani Publishing House, Mumbai, India in 2010 Editor of Otology Volume (Thieme), Rhinology Volume, Laryngology Volume, Head And Neck Oncology Volume, Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology Volume in 2013.
- “Pre and Post Betahistine Therapy 99m Tc – HMPAO Brain Spect Studies in Patients with Vertigo” published in Neurology India, 48, September 2000. (Pg. 255 to 259).
- “Cochlear stenting: How I do it”.

Dr. A. B. Mehta
- Diagnostic Utility and safety of intracoronary nicorandil as a hyperemic agent for the measurement of fractional flow reserve. IHJ 2020 Nov-Dec:72 (6) 603-605. Doi: 10.10.16.
- Editor of text books: Contribution to Text Book:
- 1)Editor Textbook on India Live 2017 Update in Interventional Cardiology.
- 2) Textbook of Medicine (Co-Editor).

Dr. Nozer Sheriar
International Journals
- Induced abortion & patient centred pregnancy tissue viewing in the Indian context, Sexual Rep Health Matters. 28(1):1, 2020, Sheriar NK.
- Post-epidural collapse: A rare obstetric emergency, J South Asian Federation Obstet Gynecol. 12(4):267, 2020, Bhatia R and Sheriar NK.
- A rare occurrence of urinary bladder carcinoma in pregnancy. Int J Clinical Obstet Gynecol, 5(5) :93,2021, Bhatia R, Sheriar NK and Tongaonkar H.
- Co-Editor, Pregnancy at Risk - Current Concepts, Krishna UR, Daftary SN & Tank DK (Eds), FOGSI, 1st to 4th Editions, 1993 - 2008.

Dr. Duru Sushil Shah
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Top 5 Publications:
- Shah D., “Early reduction of ovarian reserve – How should we empower them with fertility?” MaturitasJune 2017, Vol. 10: 159.
- Helena J. Teede, Michael F. Costello, Anuja Dokras, Joop Laven, TerhiPiltonen, Robert. J. Norman, Duru Shah “International evidence-based guideline for the assessment and management of Polycystic ovary syndrome” 2018”, Volume 110, Issue 3, 364–379
- Neogi SB, Devasenapathy N, Singh R, Bhushan H, Shah D, Divakar H, Zodpey S, Malik S, Nanda S, Mittal P, Batra A, Chauhan MB, Yadav S, Dongre H, Saluja S, Malhotra V, Gupta A, Sangwan R, Radhika AG, Singh A, Bhaskaran S, Kotru M, Sikka M, Agarwal S, Francis P, Mwingak K, BaswalD. “Safety and effectiveness of intravenous iron sucrose versus standard oral iron therapy in pregnant women with moderate – to – severe anaemia in India: a multicenter, open-label, phase 3, rrandomized, control trial”. Lancet Glob Health 2019; 7: e1706-16. Vol 7 December 2019. Vol 7 December 2019.
- Shah D. “Expanding IVF treatment in India need of the day!” Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences 2017;10:69-70.
- Shah D, Should Women with PCOS be prioritized to receive the Covid Vaccine? Journal of Human Reproductive Sciences, 2021.
Chapters in Books: International
- Shah D. “Hormone Replacement Therapy in a Risk Benefit Perspective”: Chander Puri Paul Van Look Editors- Sexual & Reproductive Health – Recent Advances Future Directions 2001; 2: 435- 441.
- Shah D, Shroff S. “Ovarian volume in infertility management” Proceedings of the -7th International Congress on Assisted reproduction Technology & Advances in Infertility 2001; 2: 109-113.

Dr. Zarir F. Udwadia
- Dr. Zarir F Udwadia is a consultant chest physician and MD, DNB, FCCP (USA) and FRCP (London) attached to the Hinduja Hospital, Breach Candy and Parsee General Hospitals.
- His special interests include TB, MDR-TB, ILD, and now COVID.
- He has struck the unique balance of combining a busy clinical practice with internationally acclaimed medical research. He sees over 10,000 patients annually in his extremely busy clinics.
- He has over 200 PubMed indexed medical research publications and was listed amongst the top 2% of respiratory medicine researchers worldwide in the field of respiratory medicine in a Stanford University publication and in the top 1% of TB researchers in the world.
- He was the first to report cases to Totally Drug Resistant TB from India. This stirred up intense medical and media attention in 2012 with 2500 articles in newspapers and news sites across the world including BBC, CNN, Reuters, Times UK, Canadian Globe, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Science, Nature and a special feature on him in the prestigious Lancet.
- He was invited to join the USAID India End-TB alliance and the Global TB Network (GTN) to pursue global TB elimination.
- He has been advisor to the WHO, Geneva and helped formulate TB and MDR-TB guidelines.
- In 2017 Open Magazine nominated him as one of their twenty five top minds for his impact on public health.
- He had given two TED talks one on Drug Resistant Tuberculosis and the other on COVID-19, both of which have been widely viewed.
COVID Related activities:
Since the onset of the COVID pandemic in the early months of 2020 Dr Udwadia has been extremely busy:
- As a “hands-on” physician taking daily ward rounds in the COVID wards / ICU’s of 3 hospitals in Mumbai (Breach Candy, Parsee General, Hinduja hospital) and training the many resident doctors who work as part of his team.
- Educating doctors and medical colleagues across the country on the drug and treatment options for COVID with innumerable lectures and Zoom meetings across the globe. Special mention must be made here of: a) A WHO meeting with chief scientific advisor Dr Soumya Swaminathan, b) a session at the prestigious CROI conference, c) a guest lecture for the Australia & New Zealand Intensive care Society.
- Actively involved in research conducting trials: a) with WHO on different drug options as part of their SOLIDARITY study, b) a trial on a novel oral anti-viral Favipiravir, c) a trial underway on the variants strains causing severe breakthrough infections and d) a trial underway auditing the errors in prescriptions for home treated COVID patients before they were hospitalised.
- Since the start of the pandemic, despite his busy schedule he has continued his academic writing with around 20 PubMed indexed medical publications on different aspects of COVID-19 (*4) in some of the most prestigious medical journals.
- Educating the lay public with credible articles (*5) in the Times of India, Indian Express, BBC news interviews, and an article in the FT U.K. which was one of their most widely downloaded articles. He has also been invited to deliver 2 Asia Society lectures on COVID and a TEDX talk on COVID which have been widely viewed.
- He was nominated on the Maharashtra Task Force which meets every Monday and helps the state government with COVID related medical advice.
- He is on a Core Committee of doctors elected by the Supreme Court to form a National Task Force set up to address critical COVID issues like oxygen, drugs and vaccinations